Tunzaa — A Layaway Ecommerce Platform

1 min readDec 19, 2022

As a young African living in Tanzania, you know how important it is to budget and manage your finances wisely. That’s why we want to introduce you to our layaway ecommerce platform, which allows you to pay for your purchases in convenient installments.

By using our layaway platform, you can spread out the cost of the products you want and avoid large, upfront payments. This makes it easier for you to budget and manage your finances, while still getting the products you want.

In addition to the convenience of paying in installments, our layaway platform offers added benefits for young Africans in Tanzania. You can hold items for up to 90 days without any additional fees, and you have the option to make partial payments or pay off your balance early at any time.

At our online shopping destination, we understand the unique financial challenges that young Africans in Tanzania face. That’s why we offer a layaway platform that allows you to pay for your purchases in convenient installments. Take advantage of this service today and start shopping for the products you want without breaking the bank.

Thank you for choosing us as your online shopping destination




Tunzaa is a fintech product that improves financial habits of everyday Africans through gamification with a marketplace for goods & services.